Additional resources and reading from BBC Media Action on communicating in humanitarian emergencies.


Research and evidence

BBC Media Action: Communication in Emergencies – Research and Reflections Evidence, case studies, media clips and commentary relating to the role of media in humanitarian emergencies.

BBC Media Action (2015):
 Humanitarian Broadcasting in Emergencies
Based on evaluations of four crises interventions, this research report assesses the effectiveness of mass media interventions in enabling people to survive and recover from disasters.

BBC Media Action (2016): What role does Lifeline Preparedness play in enabling effective communication in crisis?
This report evaluates to what extent BBC Media Action’s preparedness work has built its own capacity and that of its partners to produce Lifeline broadcasts that meet audience information and communication needs in a crisis.

Policy briefings

BBC Media Action (2019): Supporting-earthquake-affected-communities through radio in Nepal
This research briefing shows how the BBC Media Action team in Nepal produced radio programmes to support Nepali communities affected by the 2015 earthquake, and encouraged people to build homes that were more resistant to earthquakes.

BBC Media Action (2016): Practice briefing – using media and communication to respond to public health emergencies
This practice briefing sets out what BBC Media Action learned in delivering and supporting health communication for the Ebola crisis in West Africa in 2014–15.

BBC Media Action (2008): Left in the dark: The unmet need for information in emergency response
A policy briefing that highlights the importance of communication in crisis.

BBC Media Action (2012):
 Still left in the dark?
A policy briefing that highlights lessons learned and the importance of communication in crisis.